Contrary to their own policies, LCC are proposing to allocate a new opencast mine (SG17) located immediately adjacent to the beautiful village West Deeping, to its conservation area, to the River Welland and to the Grade II* listed heritage asset Molecey Mill & The Granary.
By far the least attractive and most constrained of the 7 proposed sites in South Lincolnshire, and with the greatest and most damaging impact on residents, our landscape and our heritage assets, the choice is made even more surprising and calls into question the transparency and integrity of the decision making of the minerals and waste team.
For a long time a law unto themselves with n’air a check or balance on their behaviour, the Minerals and Waste team once again risk drawing attention to their impartiality given their close relationships with the big business mining companies. Tasked with marking their own homework, the Minerals officers have once again ignored LCC policy in proposing this site.
Situated immediately adjacent to the Grade II* Listed heritage asset Molecey Mill & The Granary, the proposed 30-40 year open cast mine fails LCC’s level 1 constraints in site selection and should have been discounted at the first stage of the selection process. Level 2 constraints on the site are also extensive and should prohibit this site from selection.
West Deeping has been tolerant of mining on its doorstep for over 70 years now and the proposed mines would bring the mines even closer to peoples homes and gardens for a further 40 years.
Contacted for comments, the Minerals and Waste team at LCC, declined to answer questions.
Residents of Lincolnshire must now rely on their elected councillors to refuse to allocate this mining site and to start to take check of their out-of-control minerals officers. Whilst it may be West Deeping this time, the next time it could be your house and garden that is targeted by the mining companies.